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Letter from Dr. HigginsJournal of natural philosophy, chemistry and the artsWilliam Nicholson18021130
On acoustic oscillations of the air in heated glass tubes and in closed pipes of non-uniform widthAnnalen der Physik und ChemieKarl Sondhauss1850791-34
On the Influence of Musical Sounds on the Flame of a Jet of Coal GasAmerican Journal of ScienceJohn LeConte1858Jan2nd Series 2362-67
On the vibration of the air in a tube open at both endsPhilosophical MagazinePieter L. Rijke1859Apr17419-422
The PyrophonePopular Science Monthly18757447
Frederick KastnerNature1882Jul26304
Akustische Erscheinungen am electrischen FlammenbogenAnn. PhysikHermann Theodor Simon1898Vol 300, No 2233-242
The hissing of the electric arcJournal of the IEEHertha Ayrton1899JunVol 28, Iss 120
The Reason for the Hissing of the Electric ArcNatureHertha Ayrton1899JulNo.1552, Vol 60302-305
Some Experiments on the Direct-Current ArcNatureWilliam Duddell1900DecVol. 63, no. 1625182-183
On Rapid Variations in the Current through the Direct-Current ArcIEEWilliam Duddell1900DecVol 30, iss 148232-283
Sur les phenomenes de l arc chantantEclairage ElectriqueBlondel, A1905Vol 4441–58 and 81–104
Sur les phenomenes de l arc chantantJournal of PhysicsBlondel, A1906Feb77-97
Speaking Incandescent LampPhysikalische Zeitschrift,K. Ort and J. Ridger1912
Contribution a la theorie de l arc chantant musicalComptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de l Academie des sciencesBlondel, A1926AprVol 82900-903
Un nouveau transducteur electroacoustique: l ionophoneActa Acustica united with Acustica (Acoustica)S. Klein1954JanVol. 4no. 1, pp. 77-79
The Klein-Plessey Ionophone loudspeakerBBC R&DJ.R. Chew1954Jan-13
Corona Wind LoudspeakersNatureD. Tombs1955176923
Corona-Type LoudspeakerJASAA. Anthony, F. Oda1955271005
The Corona Wind LoudspeakerJAESG. Shirley1957523-31
Description of a corona-type loudspeaker used in bioacoustic researchExperientiaE. Ackerman, A. Anthony, F. Oda1958Oct14, Iss 10384-386
Ozone production by a corona-type loudspeaker and its toxic effects in mice ExperientiaA. Anthony, S. Babcock, F. Oda1959Dec15, Iss 12481-482
Corona -Type Loudspeaker for Animal StudiesJASAEugene Ackerman, Adam Anthony, Fujio Oda 196133
The STL-Ionophone sound sourceSTL-QPSRFransson, F.19656,No. 1No 2, page 27-30
Modulated Combustion (Dragon) LoudspeakerJASAJames Arnold196538
Acoustic Wave Generation and Amplification in a PlasmaAPSUno Ingard1966May145, 41
Musical FlamesNatureW. R. BABCOCK, K. L. BAKER & A. G. CATTANEO 1967Nov216676-678
Preliminary investigation of the electrothermal loudspeakerCombustion and FlameJohn Burchard1969FebVol 13, Iss 182-86
An application of the STL-ionophone as a microphoneSTL-QPSRJansson, E. V. and Sundberg, J.1969Vol 10, No451-52
Musical FlamesJAESW. R. BABCOCK, K. L. BAKER and A. G. CATTANEO1969JunVol 17 Iss 3312-314
Ion Acoustic Shock WavesPhysics of FluidsD. Biskamp and D. Parkinson1970JanVol 132295-2299
Electrical impedance measurements of an electrothermal loudspeakerJASAG. A. Russel1970Vol 47, no 61482-1484
Properties of the STL-ionophone transducerSTL-QPSRFransson, F. and Jansson, E. V.197112No 2-3 page 43-52
Horn-type electrothermal loudspeakersIEEE Transactions on Audio and ElectroacousticsT. Paige, M. Hamid1972AugVol 20, Iss 3218-222
Excitation d ondes acoustiques par une flammeCzech Journal of PhysicsM. Fitaire and D. Sinitean1972B(22)394-397
Sound sources with corona dischargesDept. Phys, Ehime Uni, JapanKiichiro Matsuzawa1973NovVol 54, No 2494-498
Flame LoudspeakersAcusticaM. S. Sodha, V. K. Tripathe, and J. K. Sharma19784068-69
A corona-type point source for model studies in acousticsApplied AcousticsM.K.Lim1980AugVol 14 Iss 4245-252
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Effect of neutral fluid velocity on direct conversion from electrical to fluid kinetic energy in an electro-fluid-dynamics (EFP) deviceJournal of Physics D:Applied PhysicsH. Bondar and F. Bastien1986191657-1663
Acoustics and gas discharges: applications to loudspeakersJournal of Physics D:Applied PhysicsF. Bastien1987Jun201547-1557
Modeling of a DC glow plasma loudspeakerJASAMichael S. Mazzola and G. Marshall Molen1987JunVol 81, Iss 61972-1978
Acoustic refraction by a spark discharge in airJASAL. D. Lafleur, J. J. Matesse, and R. L. Spross198754(2)
Electroacoustic transducer using corona effectJAESAlain Deraedt1991Feb90th Conv494-498
Distortion, Directivity and Circuit modeling of a Needle Array Plasma LoudspeakerThesis Ohio UniversityRon Sterba1991MarThesis
Sources acoustiques liees aux transducteurs ioniquesJournal De PhysiqueP. Bequin, P. Herzog1994May221-224
Industrial Plasma EngineeringJ. Reece Roth19951,2
Etude des sources acoustiques associees aux decharges corona negativesUniversite du MaineV. Montembault1997
Fifty Years of Loudspeaker Developments as Viewed Through the Perspective of the Audio Engineering SocietyJAESMark R. Gander1998Jan/Feb46, No 1/243-58
Rendement d un haut-parleur a decharges corona negativesProceedings of the 5th International French Congress on AcousticsK. Castor and P. Bequin2000676-679
A plasma loudspeaker using a DC carbon arc in a modulated magnetic fieldIEEE Conference on Plasma ScienceIgor Alexeff2001
Modelling of Negative point to plane corona loudspeakerThe European Physical Journal20011557-67
Caracterisation des sources acoustiques associees aux decharges couronnes negativesUniversite du MaineK. Castor2001
Direct Current Glow Discharges in Atmospheric AirIEEE Transactions on Plasma Science2002Feb30, No.1
Formation of Large-volume, High-pressure Plasmas in Microhollow Cathode DischargesApplied Physics Letters2003May82, No.19
A plasma loudspeaker using a DC carbon arc in a modulated magneticfieldPulsed Power Plasma Science, 2001Alexeff, I., Grace, M., Araya, E., Loria, J.A.D2005Jun10.1109/ PPPS.2001 .961277
Modulated Plasma Audio TransducerYoungstown State UniversityMark Barlow2006Jan
Modelling Plasma LoudspeakersJASAPh. Bequina, K. Castor, Ph. Herzog, V. Montembault2007Vol 121, Iss 41960-1970
EFA Loudspeakers (Kronos Air Technologies)ESA Annual Meeting on ElectrostaticsIgor A. Krichtafovitch, Sergey V. Karpov, Nels E. Jewell-Larsen,Jacob L. Oharah, Vladislav A. Korolev2008A2
Looking into a Plasma LoudspeakerIEEE Transactions on Plasma ScienceYvonne Sutton, Jon Moore, David Sharp, N Braithwaite2011Nov, Vol 392146
A study of the plasma tweeterBall State Uni ThesisKalalau Cantrell2011MayA-342
Electro-Acoustic Coupling in a Plasma Gas PhD ThesisThe Open UniversityYvonne Sutton2011Sep
The singing arc The oldest memristor?Building Service-Oriented Government Lessons, Challenges and ProspectsJean-Marc Ginoux, Bruno Rosetto2012AugChap 39
On the study of Ionic MicrophoneJAESHiroshi Akino1, Hirofumi Shimokawa, Tadashi Kikutani, Jackie Green2012Oct133th Conv
The electrical imagination sound analogies, equivalent circuits, and the rise of electroacousticsOsirisRoland Wittje2013Vol 28 #140-63
Modelling of a corona discharge microphoneJournal of Physics D:Applied PhysicsPhilippe Bequin, V Joly and Ph Herzog2013AprVol 46, no 17
Design and Evaluation of Electronic Circuit for Plasma SpeakerWorld Congress on EngineeringDaniel Severinsen and Gourab Sen Gupta2013JulII
Stable sound wave generation in weakly ionized air mediumOdessa National Polytechnic UniversityMaxim Chizhov, Maxim Eingorn,Vladimir Kulinskii2013Apr
Physics of thermo-acoustic sound generationJournal of Applied PhysicsDaschewski,Boehm,Prager,Kreutzbruck and Harrer2013SepVol 114
Plasma SpeakerInternational Journal of Scientific & Engineering ResearchSagar Samant, Mohammed Husein Sabuwala, Bhargav Gokalgandhi, Amit Pandey2014SepVol 5, Iss 9572-574
The High Fidelity Plasma Speaker APS Division of Plasma Physics, Salisbury UniversityJames McGall2014OctVol 59, No 15
Acoustic Characteristics and Distortion of an Ionic LoudspeakerIEEE LATIN AMERICA TRANSACTIONSP. M. Gomez, E. D Onofrio and G. Santiago2015MarVol 13, No 3578-582
The Measurement and Calibration of Sound Reproducing SystemsJAESFloyd E. Toole2015JulVol 63 No 7/8512-541
Membraneless Speaker or Plasma SpeakerBRNO UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGYJosef Kovar2015
Konzept und Prototyp eines Ionenwindlautsprechers29th TONMEISTERTAGUNG – VDT INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS. Merchel, L. Creutzburg, A. Schwock, T. Fleck und M.E. Altinsoy2016Nov
Thermophony in real gasesUniversitat Potsdam thesisMaxim Daschewski2016Nov
Implementierung eines Ionenwindlautsprechers ohne PlasmaflammeTechnische Universitat Dresden, Lehrstuhl fur Akustik und HaptikSebastian Merchel, Lukas Creutzburg,Andreas Schwock, Tim Fleck und M. Ercan Altinsoy2017529-531
Wireless/Wired Automatic Switched plasma Tweeter & Speaker SystemJournal of Electronics and Communication EngineeringRupali Singh et al2017Mar/AprVol 12, Iss 228-33
Physical modeling and characterization of thermo-acoustic loudspeakers made of silver nano-wire filmsJournal of Applied PhysicsPaolo La Torraca, L. Larcher, Marco Bobinger, Paolo Pavan2017Jun121(21):214502
The creation of electric wind due to the electrohydrodynamic forceNature CommunicationsSanghoo Park,Uros Cvelbar, Wonho Choe, Se Youn Moon20180.632638889
An Ultrasonic Plasma Microphone for Structural Health MonitoringPrinceton Plasma Physics LabJohn Carlsson2018SepWeb17-3317-1
Development of a plasma electroacoustic actuator for active noise control applications Journal of Physics D: Applied PhysicsS Sergeev, H Lissek, A Howling, I Furno, G Plyushchev and P Leyland2020SepVol 53
A review of the Plasma Loudspeaker (Ionic Loudspeaker):Principles of operation, general model and partsJAESMaria Carolina Rodreguez2020Oct149th Conv
Corona Discharge Actuator as an Active Sound Absorber Under Normal and Oblique Sergeev2021Aug2108.13866v1
Der Plasma-Lautsprecher als LehrversuchPhyDidFlorian Hubert, Friedrich-Alexander, Philipp Dorsch, Patrick K. Kroh, Hans-Michael Guenther2021Jul1/2015-25
Microplasma microphonesActa AcusticaPhilippe Bequin , Adalbert Nanda Tonlio, and Stephane Durand2021AugVol 5, Iss 37
Corona discharge actuator for active sound absorptionEcole Polytechnique Federale de LausanneStanislav Sergeev, Herve Lissek2021Sep
Theory and construction of a plasma tweeterSignal Processing and Speech Communication LaboratoryNiklas Urban2022Jan
Ultrabroadband sound control with deep-subwavelength plasmacoustic metalayersNature CommunicationsStanislav Sergeev, Romain Fleury, Herve Lissek2023MayVol 14, Art 2874

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